20 juillet 2011


Today friends and fellow artists from Dératisme Revue, online semimonthly magazine showcasing works from all types of medium, are featuring one of my photographs in their 12th issue. LOts of great stuff, check it out !

12 juillet 2011

warehouse door, le havre

pallet, le havre

building, le havre

crane & chair, le havre

freighter, le havre

map & cityscape, le havre

hotel, le havre

cityscape, le havre

houses, fécamp

docks, fécamp

beach, fécamp

garbage bags, fécamp

bar, fécamp

storefront, fécamp

waterfront, fécamp

seascape, fécamp

cabins & cliffs, normandie

pier, normandie

sailor, normandie

cross, normandie

field, normandie

steps & cliffs, etretat

twin peaks, etretat

bench, etretat

cliff, etretat

lucie, etretat

seascapes, etretat

bark, etretat

seascape, etretat

casino, etretat

postcards, etretat

hotel, etretat

hillock, normandie